Macclesfield and District Talking Newspaper has been bringing local news to visually impaired listeners since 1974.
In 1973, Marjorie Snow, General Secretary of the Macclesfield Society for the Blind, reviewed the Society's services for visually impaired people. She wanted to ensure that they could keep in touch with local news and events that were not covered by radio or TV.
Having researched recording systems and obtained funding, Mrs Snow was authorised to purchase equipment, appoint an editor, convert the top floor of the premises on Queen Victoria Street and to organise volunteers.
The first issue – on 4th April 1974 – got off to a slightly rocky start as workers at the Macclesfield Express went on strike, leaving the editorial team of the Talking Newspaper to race around the town searching out stories for themselves, with the assistance of some of the Express journalists. But the Talking Newspaper was a success, and the number of listeners rapidly increased from the original 60.
The rest, as they say, is history. Over the past four decades we’ve moved from cassette tapes to CDs to memory sticks. We’ve added the DID YOU KNOW? magazine and RNIB material to provide additional listening. Our recordings are available online through the TN app. Our kit has been upgraded thanks to some very generous bequests.
But the aim is the same as it was right at the start:

Caroline Mole
Editor 2016 - 2021

Lynn Hilton
Editor 2001 – 2016
remains a regular contributor
to the Tapestry magazine

Richard StrInger
Editor 1997 – 2001
still involved with the organisation

The first Editor of the Talking Newspaper