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Recent History


It is unlikely that the history of the talking newspaper in Macclesfield will recount a more difficult time than the recent COVID past. Recordings had continued during 2019 by reducing the number of volunteers to reflect the lockdown. The end of that year was marked by the resignation of the editor, Caroline Mole, when she moved home. She had done much to continue the high standards set by her predecessor as well as introducing many new ideas. No likely successor appeared.


In any event the second lockdown prompted a decision to avoid personal contact so a rethink was necessary. Remote recording of some tracks was already taking place. It was agreed that the chairman would edit and record the news tracks at home, all files to be uploaded for access by the technicians, who would collate all the tracks to be downloaded on to memory sticks. These could then be taken to the recording studio for copying and placing in wallets by one person.


Shortly into the new year the East Cheshire Eye Society, owner of the building in which the studio was located, decided to sell the property and seek new premises. Rather unexpectedly suitable offices were quickly found so a removal of equipment was necessary. The work of Stuart Parkinson needs a special mention in this respect. There was a great deal of old technology to be disposed of in addition to the setting up in the new offices. The lockdown compounded the problems as groups of people were not possible.


By July in that year it was decided that recordings in the new studio could begin. The available space meant that readers were reduced to three from five. Many of the magazine tracks continued to be recorded remotely and the absence of an editor for the news was met by the editing being undertaken by each of the four team leaders in turn.


Appreciation needs to be expressed of the willingness of volunteers to continue to produce a weekly edition under difficult circumstances. Thanks are also due to the trustees and staff of the Eye Society for their support.


Out of interest, the Macclesfield Express paid us a visit in 2007...

many things have changed but some things have stayed the same


Registered Charity Number : 505128

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