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New listeners


We find out about people who would like to receive our service from various sources, or because a friend or neighbour lets us know.
All you have to do is contact us with the details of the person who would like to receive a weekly copy. We will do the rest.


Join us


The Talking Newspaper is a masterpiece of organisation and teamwork, with over 50 dedicated volunteers. They fill roles including sourcing material and editing, reading, recording the tracks and administration. The bulk of the work takes place on a Thursday in our premises at 11, Market  Place, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1EB. You can write to us at this address. You can phone us on 01625.422602 ONLY on Thursday afternoons  or leave a message. You can also email us at any time. Our email address is

11 Market Place.jpg




The success of the Macclesfield Talking Newspaper would not be possible without the dedication of all our volunteers past and present who turn out week after week. We extend special thanks to the East Cheshire Eye Society for their continued support.

Thanks are also due to the organisations and individuals who have supported us over the years by raising funds or providing volunteers, materials and services.

Finally, we thank the Macclesfield Express, Macclesfield Nub News, Community News, Bollington Live and various Parish Magazines for allowing us to raid their columns.


Registered Charity Number : 505128

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